"A dream which is not interpreted is like a letter which is not read."
The Talmud
Dreams are personally extremely significant to me. I understand that for many people dreaming is just a simple process which occurs whilst they are sleeping, but for me they are so much more.
I know there are many different stages of sleep and different levels of dream, but most mornings when I wake up I will be able to re-call at least two of my dreams. Now from reading my previous blog you will be aware that I have problems falling asleep; on an average night I will have around 5 hours sleep. Whenever I sleep for more I always end up having a broken sleep where I will wake up once or twice in the middle of the night. Sometimes if I have had a really peculiar dream I will write it down in my dream diary first or quickly scribble a note before I fall back asleep.
Nobody really knows the real purpose of dreams, although many believe it’s your subconscious trying to get through to you. I personally believe that dreams are full of meanings and certain dreams can happen for a reason. There can be many different interpretations of a certain dream but I always chose the one which I feel best applies to me. For example, I recently had a dream that I was around 8 years old again and living at the very first house I lived in. I was cooking in the kitchen and ended up setting the house on fire. The first thing I did was run upstairs to my room to grab my baby shawl (my Nan who is now dead knitted it for me) before running outside. Once the fire was put out we were allowed back inside as only the kitchen had been damaged. I often check the meanings of dreams at this website; http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/ and I saw that dreaming of your house on fire can mean multiple things from “indicating you need to undergo some sort of transformation” to “you are fighting against a change as you are not ready for it..” I personally believed the first meaning as that week I had been incredibly lazy, i had not been eating right and had been slacking in general. Therefore I had said to myself that the following week I would try and eat healthier, stay on top of all my work and attend all my lectures and seminars. I also found it really interesting how in my dream, the only thing I wanted to save was my baby shawl. I have never through about what I would want to save if my house was on fire and so began thinking about it after. I came to the conclusion that actually the only thing I would want to save would in fact be my baby shawl.
I strongly believe that every human must of at least had one significant dream that stopped them in their tracks and made them think, “Wow, I wonder what that meant!” or “why did I have that particular dream?” Its just that for some people they aren’t too bothered about it whereas other people will look into the specific meanings.