Saturday 19 March 2011


Its such an ugly, undesirable trait right. It can cause you to come off as a “stuck up, bitchy” and sometimes crazy person, causing strains in all relationships from friends family to boyfriend/girlfriends. Usually its an emotion which stems from a sense of insecurity and anxiety rather than bitchiness.

I get jealous extremely easily.

Of other people and certain situations. The littlest things can make me so mad, and really get to me. To anyone else it will just seem like something minor and they will be easily able to brush it off their shoulders, however with me that “minor” thing will stay stuck to my shoulder and hover over me. Until I finally get over it and let it go. Or until I get jealous of some other ridiculous thing. The annoying thing is I know its wrong, I tell myself all sorts of things like “Stop getting so upset/pissed off over something so ridiculous” and I remind myself of all the horrific things that are happening to people all over the world.

I guess everyone gets jealous though in some way or another, we just don’t like to admit it because it shows a part of you which is essentially vulnerable. Everyone who meets me assumes that I’m this strong, fierce person, which I am but there’s so much more to me. Inside I am actually a sensitive soul and the littler things get to me more than you could ever imagine. I guess I just need to stop dwelling on things so much and focus my attention and energy on more important things. As Keri Hilson sings, “Jealousy’s the ugliest trait, don’t ever do it!”

From now on I’m definitely going to remember the quote below whenever I feel the green eyed monster creeping back into me.

“Ignore jealousy. Instead, admire another's beauty & let it inspire you because tearing them down will only show others just how ugly you really are

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